How Much Coffee is Too Much Coffee?

Coffee is not just a delicious drink; it’s also the perfect way to get your day started in high gear! But how many cups should we be drinking? We'll explain that - but first, let’s talk about caffeine...
What does caffeine do inside us?
Caffeine works by blocking an enzyme called phosphodiesterase, which helps control feelings of tiredness or sleepiness related to our brain chemicals like melatonin (a hormone). The average person absorbs 50-100 mg of caffeine within 10 minutes of consumption, while anything above 100 mg may take over 30 minutes to work itself into our systems.
Caffeine also blocks another enzyme called adenosine triphosphatase (ATP). This action leads directly into stimulation from adrenaline and cortisol release, which can produce side effects such as increased strength and energy, or reduced fatigue, making someone feel awake and more alert. However, these benefits are short-term, so you mustn’t overdo it!
When overdone, too much caffeine has been known to cause physical reactions like an increase in heart rate and blood flow, as well as respiratory changes. On the flip side, however, caffeine has been linked to positive mental effects such as improved memory formation due to chemical reactions within our brain cells! This helps us remember things we learned earlier but does this mean more coffee = better memory? Not necessarily...
Five or More Cups… Too Much of a Good Thing?
According to recent research, many studies have supported the idea that moderate amounts of caffeine (up to four cups or 400 mg) are safe and healthy to consume. However, anything over five cups per day could lead to risks involved with cardiovascular disease. It’s essential to keep in mind that additional studies have shown you can develop a tolerance to caffeine, so it’s best not to rely on coffee as your only source of energy throughout the day.
What's the Right Amount?
While we certainly can’t imagine life without our morning cup(s) of joe, for some, just one or two cups are enough to make it through the day. Even if you find yourself drinking up to four cups, there is no need for concern since this amount shows positive effects with improved cognitive function and metabolism!
However, too much consumed at once can lead to jitters and anxiety. For that reason, we recommend starting your day with a cup of coffee and a side of something hearty to help satisfy your hunger and keep the jitters at bay. This way, you will receive the health benefits from your coffee while still feeling satisfied and able to make it through the morning grind.
FUN FACT: More than 50% of Americans over 18 years of age drink coffee every day. This represents over 150 million daily drinkers. What can we say? We like our coffee!
Choose Organic Coffee Always
The way beans are grown can affect your coffee. If pesticides are used on the beans, it could cause health problems because of the chemicals found within these substances. Pesticide residue is linked to several adverse side effects, such as headaches and other issues, that may occur due to toxicity bombardment of organic molecules entering our circulation system (Khan 2011).
In addition, most coffees today contain blends made from many different origins. Regulations vary among regions, so there's no guarantee of protection against potential risks with sub-par production processes. Did you know that in some places compounds like roach killer are used on coffee beans?
Our coffee is guaranteed 100% organic and single-origin grown, which means our beans are grown from one farm, one plant type, and made of one roast profile. As a bonus, organic coffee beans are richer in antioxidants! So, not only will you be sustaining yourself with high-quality nutrients in your daily coffee, but Mother Nature gains momentum, too, thanks to all those eco-friendly practices that reduce her environmental load (and yours).
The Roast Matters Most
Darker roasted coffee beans contain less caffeine than lighter roasts. Because caffeine is more concentrated in darker roasts, lighter beans will have a higher caffeine content per ounce than dark roast. So you might consider switching to dark roasted beans if you’re looking to lower your caffeine consumption levels.
Moderation is Key
As a general rule of thumb, we like to stick to two cups per day! While overconsumption of caffeine is shown to lead to an increase in health concerns, everyone has their limit. Make sure to test out different amounts before going overboard or, dare we say under-caffeinated. (Yikes!!)
Remember: moderation is key when it comes to enjoying your daily cup of java!
Here at Sprout & Blossom, our clean caffeine is guaranteed to give you all the energy you need without any of those pesky side effects. We have three different roasts available, so pick out your favorite one today!