How To Brew Coffee

Your perfect pot of coffee is just a brew away. Whether you use a pour over, french press, or a drip coffee maker....we've got you covered!

The Gold Standard of Brewing: Pour Over

The recipe for the perfect cup of Pour Over coffee.

  • Ratio = 30 grams of coffee to 500 grams of water.
  • In plain English, that means: 30 grams = 4.5 TBSP of whole coffee beans
  • 500 Grams of water = 2 cups


  1. Boil water and GENTLY pour the water over your freshly ground coffee. Whatever you do, don’t let it go “KERSPLOOSH!”
  2. Pour and keep it steady. Try to keep a slow stream of hot water pouring for the whole 2 cups.
  3. Sip, and ENJOY!


The Master of Elegance: French Press

The recipe for the perfect cup of French Press Coffee


  1. Grind 9 TBSP of coffee beans.
  2. Pour 32 oz. of boiling water (this is the standard French Press size) over your fresh coffee grounds.
  3. Let it sit for 4 min, (this is where the coffee magic happens). Then, break up the coffee-ground cake that has formed on the top. Then let it sit a little more. (We know, it’s hard. But, it’s worth the wait.)
  4. Plunge screen down SLOWLY. (Think easy-does-it, here.)
  5. Sip and ENJOY!


The Queen of Ease: Drip Coffee Maker

The recipe for the perfect cup of Drip coffee.

  • Ratio = 30 grams of coffee to 500 grams of water. 
  • In plain English, that means: 30 grams = 4.5 TBSP of whole coffee beans
  • 500 Grams of water = 2 cups


  1. Grind fresh Sprout & Blossom beans. Important Note: if you are not using Sprout & Blossom beans you're doing it wrong 😉
  2. Fill your filter.
  3. Push start.
  4. Sip and ENJOY!